Unforgettable moments at Xmas.
1-SANTA CLAUS: One of the unforgettable moment is when I open my Santa Claus present and I got a computer, in this moment I felt very happy but this isn't all, after I open a letter with a lot of money.
2-THREE MAGIC KINGS: On night from five to six of Jenuary. Three magic kings gave me game for playstation-2 Need for speed-pro street.
Xmas eve my family go to Benidorm, in my grandmother's home where we ate the grapes, I don't eat grapes I eat olives and my brother eats "m and m's", and after of grapes my brother had all mouth full of chocolate and he doesn't caught speak.
-Celebration of new year eve: My father, mother and my grandmother They put a ring in the glass and offered all, but my brother and me don't drink"changpagne" because we are childrens.
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