Monday, December 22, 2008


Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson and Joe Hahn are 3 friends in the Agoura High School, where they decide to play music. Later they want to put a name and finally the grup name's was "SuperXero".
they wanted to find a singer and they publiced in a newspaper the announcement, quikly a 16 years old man accept the announcement.
They were 4 people but other 2 men want to playing music with this group, and now they are 6 people.
In 1999 they thought change the name of the group for Hibryd Theory, the next year Chester Bennington (the singer) proposed other name "Lincoln Park"
the name of a street, but they don't like these name a lot and change some words: "Linkin Park" this is the definitive name.

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